Early Review: The Chasm by S. Usher Evans

Posted July 8, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Title: The Chasm
Series: Madion War Trilogy #2

Author: S. Usher Evans

Genre: NA Fantasy/Dystopian
Publisher: Sun’s Golden Day Publishing
Publication Date:  July 12th, 2016
Page Count:  296 pages
Format:  ARC
Source: From author in exchange of an honest review

They survived The Island, but can they cross The Chasm?

Four months after Prince Galian was discovered alive on a remote island, he’s adjusting slowly to life at the hospital under the Kylaen media’s glare. His promises to Theo remain unfulfilled as fear of his father keeps him from taking concrete action. And the more he learns about the machinations in Kylae, the less sure he is that it’s possible to make a difference.

Across the great Madion Sea, Major Theo Kallistrate struggles to navigate the tricky political waters of Rave’s presidential staff. To make positive change for her people, she must remain relevant and interesting to the Raven media and to the president. When he asks her to deliver a speech on her supposed two-month imprisonment at Mael, she’s not sure she can stomach the lies.

The Chasm is S. Usher Evans’ breathtaking, fast-paced follow-up to The Island, which readers say is “not to be missed.”

*The Reader’s Review*
My rating: 5/5 stars

OH, THE PAIN, IT’S KILLING ME! Why do we have to wait so long to get the next book? I wish I could have a magic lamp to wish my way into S. Usher Evans head and dig around her files for the third book in this trilogy because my goodness, I need MORE. I loved The Chasm so much, even more than The Island.
So for my review, I’ll give you FOUR reasons why I loved this book and why you should add it to your TBR:
The Characters. As individuals, they are awesome and although far from perfect, they are the kind that stop for a sec to reevaluate themselves, their situation and why things are not working out for them. It’s fun to see how much Galian and Theo have grown since The Island, and I know they still have a long way to go, which excites me all the more to read The Union!
The Romance. GAH. I just love it so much. This is the sexy, barely there kind since Theo and Galian are still trying to find a way to end the war and finally be together, but the scenes we get, um, YUM. And it’s also a fun relationship because the guy, Prince Galian, is a bit more sweet and easy going, who perfectly balances out Theo’s hardened personality. It reminds me of the relationship dynamic between Katniss and Peeta from The Hunger Games.
The Plot. Just like with Theo and Galian’s relationship, the plot of The Chasm, well the feel and sense of the story, reminds me of The Hunger Games. While there are no games, there IS a war going on and it’s still a bit unclear who the bigger enemy is with so many players.
The Feels. You get them all in The Chasm. Not only swoony feels over Prince Galian, but pain, love and suffering for so many others. Like my Martin, who’s a character I deeply fell in love with. If it weren’t for Galian, I would have demanded his attention. And then the ending! ACK. I thought things would get better, and in a way they are, but noooooooo. Once again my loves must test their boundaries and do what is right.
So there you have it! The four reasons why I think you must grab yourself a copy of The Chasm on July 12th (and read The Island if you haven’t!). Be it if you’re looking for a book with great characters, a great romance, an amazing plot, or just a read that gives you all the feels, then this book is surely for you!

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