The Week’s Entrée #102

Posted June 13, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

There are no words to express how devastated I feel about the recent events that took place in Florida. How unfair it is, how wrong. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Wish there was some way to make it better, to wave a magic wand and turn this all into just a terrible nightmare, but unfortunately, magic still remains absent from our lives.
However, I still think there is more good than bad in this world. And we will keep on fighting to make it a better place to live. Not with guns, no, but with the right actions. Working hard and staying strong. Raising kids with the right values, teaching them to love all, to respect, and to accept each other’s differences. And not only kids, but spreading the word to our loved ones as well. It’s never to late to learn.

Have a safe week, everyone!


Latest book reviews in other sites:

I reviewed Kill the Boy Band by Goldy Moldavsky on Kate Tilton, Connecting Authors & Readers

Aack, this book was… unexpected. Their term “We loved them to death” turned out to be literal, so obviously I had some problems with this book. I did laugh out of sheer incredulity and in the end, somewhat enjoyed it, but I like it even less every time I think about it. Proceed with caution with this one, it’s not for everyone.

Here’s the book’s summary:

From debut author Goldy Moldavsky, the story of four superfan friends whose devotion to their favorite boy band has darkly comical and murderous results.

Okay, so just know from the start that it wasn’t supposed to go like this. All we wanted was to get near The Ruperts, our favorite boy band.

We didn’t mean to kidnap one of the guys. It kind of, sort of happened that way. But now he’s tied up in our hotel room. And the worst part of all, it’s Rupert P. All four members of The Ruperts might have the same first name, but they couldn’t be more different. And Rupert P. is the biggest flop out of the whole group.

We didn’t mean to hold hostage a member of The Ruperts, I swear. At least, I didn’t. We are fans. Okay, superfans who spend all of our free time tweeting about the boys and updating our fan tumblrs. But so what, that’s what you do when you love a group so much it hurts.

How did it get this far? Who knows. I mean midterms are coming up. I really do not have time to go to hell.
New books!

{For review}
From authors, publishers, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

Huge thanks to Kay Honeyman for the eARC of Interference! Aaaah, I am SO EXCITED to read this book. Kay Honeyman is a fab writer! (Also quite excited that I might get a physical ARC – yippeee!) Also, huge thanks to Casey from Media Masters Publicity for the review copy of #Static by Eric Laster. I will dive into it soon!




I’ll Give You the Sun and Zac & Mia are both free to download in audiobook format until Wednesday! Click on the covers to go to SYNC’s page!

To Read This Week:
Currently reading Supremacy by Christin Lee! Still not sure if this book will work for me or not, but here’s hoping that I will end up enjoying it. My review will go up on YABC this week!
And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you reading? 🙂

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