Guest Post with S. Usher Evans, Author of The Island

Posted April 14, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Hi guys! Today I would love to welcome to the blog S. Usher Evans, author of the Madion War Trilogy! The Island is the first book in the trilogy and it is OH SO GOOD. I have reviewed it here on the blog, but I’ve also added its deets below so you can get to know more about this book and some links for you to add it on Goodreads or pre-order it (which I totally recommend!)
The Island (Madion War Trilogy #1)
by  S. Usher Evans
YA Fantasy/ April 26, 2016
Sun’s Golden Day Publishing

Prince Galian is third in line to the throne, but prefers his place as a resident at the Royal Kylaen Hospital. When his father urges him to join the military to help reclaim their colony, Galian is forced to put aside his oath to Do No Harm and fight a war he does not believe in.

Across the great Madion Sea, Captain Theo Kallistrate dreams of a day when she is no longer bound by conscription to fight for her country’s independence. But when the Kylaens threaten, honor and duty call her to the front lines to fight off the oppressors.

When an air skirmish goes wrong, both Theo and Galian crash on a remote island hundreds of miles from either nation. Grievously injured, Theo must rely on Galian’s medical expertise, and Galian must rely on Theo’s survival skills, to live another day in a harsh and unforgiving terrain.

Can they put aside their differences long enough to survive? Or will the war that brought them to the island tear them apart?

The Island is the first in a new romance trilogy by S. Usher Evans, author of the Razia series and Empath. 

Sounds awesome, right? IT IS. I loved it. And it has a prince! That’s why I’m thrilled that S. Usher Evans is here today to talk about my princeling. 😀

So without further ado…

*Guest Post*
When Melissa asked me to come hang out with her on her blog, I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to talk about. We both are unabashedly #TeamPrinceling, that is, we’ve got mega crushes on Galian, prince of Kylae, from my book The Island (coming 4/26 from Sun’s Golden Ray Publishing)
Galian is this weird cross between Prince Harry and JD from Scrubs. He’s a ridiculous optimist (many times to the point of real naïveté) and he’s really the one who gets the ball rolling on the whole “trust” thing between him and Theo.
When The Island begins, the third prince of Kylae is in an odd position. His oldest brother Rhys is the heir to the throne, and his second oldest brother, Digory, joined the military to squash the 50 year Raven rebellion. Which left Galian to do kind of whatever he wanted. For a while, he partied, which made the front page of the tabloids. But his mother, Queen Korina, intervened and he decided to turn his life around and attend medical school so he could be “of use” to the country. He’s taken under the wing of his mentor, Dr. Maitland, who teaches him the value of human life—regardless of country of origin. When Digory was killed in action during Galian’s first year of residency, Galian suddenly became the focus of his father’s attention and was forced to hang up his stethoscope. He’s quite pissed off about the whole thing but he’s too afraid of his father to do anything about it.
Galian arrives on the island thanks to Theo shooting him down, but by parachuting out, he’s fine. Dr. Maitland had given him a symbolic bag of medical supplies, which Galian puts to use on a heavily-injured Theo. He shows his true colors when he assists the injured Theo, even giving her some of his blood so she’ll survive. 
Galian’s the comic relief on the island, but my favorite scenes are when he thinks he’s getting somewhere with Theo, and then she’s like, “screw off.” Eventually, she begins to warm up to him (and then some). But for Galian, his growth on the island comes from becoming strong enough to take care of himself (and, eventually, Theo). He becomes a lot more pragmatic and realistic, but never loses that optimism.
Looking forward to Book 2, The Chasm (coming July 12th), Galian has to learn how to quit talking and start acting. He’s given a great opportunity and spends a good deal of time fearing the consequences of standing up to his father. But once he does, he realizes that he’s got a lot more power than he thought, and that could make the difference between war and peace.

About S. Usher Evans

S. Usher Evans is an author, blogger, and witty banter aficionado. Born in Pensacola, Florida, she left the sleepy town behind for the fast-paced world of Washington, D.C.. There, she somehow landed jobs with BBC, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic Television before finally settling into a “real job” as an IT consultant. After a quarter life crisis at age 27, she decided consulting was for the birds and rekindled a childhood passion for writing novels. She sold everything she owned and moved back to Pensacola, where she currently resides with her two dogs, Zoe and Mr. Biscuit.

Evans is the author of the Razia series, Madion War Trilogy, and Empath, published by Sun’s Golden Ray Publishing.

And a small giveaway! If you leave a comment below, I’ll randomly select one of you to get an ebook of The Island on release day. Giveaway closes April 24th. Good luck and thanks for stopping by! 😀

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