That’s What HE Said Thursday #49: Dante Walker from The Liberator

Posted July 31, 2015 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 6 Comments

That’s what HE said Thursday is a weekly meme hosted at Chapter Break where you post a favorite line of a book boyfriend to his girl. It’s the perfect meme to share all those awesome quotes!
                     Today’s quote is from Dante Walker of The Liberator by Victoria Scott!


“I love the way you are, Charlie. I love it so much it tears me apart. I think about what would happen if I didn’t have you in my life-you, the girl you were when I met you-and I fee like I can’t breathe. All my life, all I’ve ever wanted was to take. But with you, all I want is to give you everything-every creature in the sea, every star in the sky… my own beating heart. I love you, Charlie. Just the way you are, I love you.”
-Dante to Charlie

My favorite bad boy <3 Haven’t met him? YOU SHOULD. He’s such a sweet guy, but boy is he BAD. You are going to love him. 

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