That’s What HE Said Thursday #41: Tyler from Center Ice

Posted May 28, 2015 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

That’s what HE said Thursday is a weekly meme hosted at Chapter Break where you post a favorite line of a book boyfriend to his girl. It’s the perfect meme to share all those awesome quotes!
                     Today’s quote is from Tristan of Center Ice by Cate Cameron.


“I hope this message makes you happy. I hope I make you happy. If I don’t, please kick my ass for me, because I’m probably not screwing up on purpose and I’d really appreciate any help you could give me on being a better boyfriend. That’s… It’s pretty much the most important thing in the world, for me. To be the best boyfriend I can be, and to deserve to be with someone as amazing as you.                     

-Tyler to Karen

This is part of a message that Karen asks Tyler to record for her so she could listen to it each night before going to sleep. It’s a really sweet message and it had me grinning like a fool for him. I seriously have a thing for guys who know how to leave sweet little messages for their girls *insert dreamy sigh*.

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