Top Ten of 2014: Best Book Covers of 2014

Posted December 23, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 16 Comments

Today is day two of the Top 10 of 2014 week event hosted by Rachel of Reading YA Rocks,  Jaime of Two Chicks on BooksMindy of Magical Urban Fantasy Reads and Nancy of Tales of a Ravenous Reader. This week is about sharing our favorite reads of 2014 and the ones we’re looking forward in 2015!
For day two I’m sharing my top ten list of Best Book Covers of 2014. Now, looking back to all the books I read this year, I noticed that I don’t particularly love all the book covers I read  so I’ll be breaking up my list into my five favorite covers of books I’ve read and five book covers I think are stunning and wish to read/own soon. Oh, and a honorable mention I couldn’t leave out. πŸ™‚
1. Crane by Stacey Rourke
I love the cover of the first book in the Legends saga. It is beautifully creepy and it reminds me a lot of the Mexican “Catrina” (death). The cover is what made me pick it up in the first place, and I’m glad I did because the storyline is so, so good!
2. The Secret Diamond Sisters by Michelle Madow
I love, love, LOVE this cover. It’s stunning with its patterns and the nice view of Las Vegas.
3. Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
At first I wasn’t sure about the new covers for Stephanie Perkin’s books since I was quite attached with Anna’s and Lola’s original ones, but after seeing Isla’s I totally fell in love with them. It’s so clean and pretty and absolutely perfect! It looks extremely good on my shelf too.
4. The Good Sister by Jamie Kain
This cover has got to be one of my all-time favorite book covers. It’s STUNNING, just like the book itself. And I’ve always had a thing for night skies, so extra points for that!
5. The Body Electric by Beth Revis
This cover is just perfect. I like how bright it is and how it has a few key elements from the book. Plus, I’m pretty fond of green covers. <3
6. Fractured Dream by KM Randall
This one is sooo pretty. I’ve read only a few chapters but the cover makes me want to stare at it for hours. I actually have it as my e-reader’s screensaver. This book takes place in the in-between and I think it captured that dream-like state perfectly.
7. Girl On A Wire by Gwenda Bond
I LOVE the whole circus theme going on and how those hands are waiting to catch the girl when/if she falls. Can’t wait to have this book!
8. Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White
Stunning! The colors, the tea cup! Wouldn’t change anything about it.
9. Soul Screamers Volume 4 by Rachel Vincent
All of the Soul Screamers’ covers are pretty but this one is hands-down my favorite of all. I wish I had a dress like hers!
10. The Geography of Me and You by Jennifer E. Smith
I love everything about this cover! From the colors, to the font and the cute little stars. It’s as perfect as The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight.

Perfect Lies by Kiersten White
This cover is all kinds of pretty, I just could not mention it on today’s list. I think I like this cover better than Mind Games’ cover, and that’s saying something because Mind Games’ cover is so cool too.

And there you have it! What were your favorite book covers of 2014? πŸ™‚

16 responses to “Top Ten of 2014: Best Book Covers of 2014

  1. Those Stacey Rourke Covers are so awesome and interesting. And the cover for THE GOOD SISTER is really sweet. Oh my gosh I forgot SSV4 cam out this year. I love it, too. It's so colorful and beautiful. I kind of fell in love with her cover for THE STARS NEVER RISE but it isn't a 2014 release. She has some great covers, doesn't she?

  2. Anonymous

    Love, love, love all these covers πŸ™‚ I totally forgot about Crane! Stacey Rourke does have the creepiest covers! I think Raven is the second book in the Legends Saga and it has a beautiful cover too! And by beautiful I mean creepy πŸ˜›

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