The Week’s Entrée #35

Posted October 20, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Hey all! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée

Sorry for not being around much last week, I was pretty busy with school and work, but thankfully things have died down for a bit. I can’t wait to get back to reading, visiting blogs and writing the reviews that need to be written. Gosh, I am so behind.

Also, I have the need to tell you that HOLY MUFFINS The Walking Dead is so bloody. I am watching it as I write and I’m five seconds away from changing it to another channel. How can you stand all the blood and guts and stuff like that? It looks sooooo real. But it’s cool, it looks cool. Hate zombies though. Do you like this show?

Anyway, back on the blog. I’m  so excited for this week because I got some seriously cool books I’ve been dying to read. But first…

Reviews on other sites


While I wasn’t much on the blog, I did manage to squeeze in some time to review Crane by Stacey Rourke at Kate Tilton’s blog. Crane is the first book in The Legends Saga and if you love Sleepy Hollow retellings, chilling reads, and/or humour in your books, then you’ll want to get yourself a copy of this book (and the sequel too!). 

Here’s the blurb…

The Horseman is unending,
his presence shan’t lessen.
If you break the curse,
you become the legend.

Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.

What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?

Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.

But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?

Books I Got Last Week:

{For review}
From Netgalley, authors, etc.

I’m beyond excited to get to all of these books!
  •  Illusion by S.M. Boyce is the fourth book in the Grimoire Saga, and I’ve been following this series since it started like 3 years ago. It’s fantasy at its best. You can get the first book, Lichgates, for free on Amazon.
  • Diamonds in the Rough by Michelle Madow is the second book in The Secret Diamond Sisters series and I was thrilled when Harlequin Teen aproved my request to view the title. Yipee!
  • Both One Wish Away by Kelley Lynn and The Fall by Stephen Cost are books for upcoming tours stopping by on the blog. Look for them soon! They sound really cool.


To Read This Week:

I’m reading The Fall by Stephen Cost this week since the tour stops by on the 24th. Yikes! Gotta read fast. I’ll probably squeeze in another read but I can’t bring myself to decide on one right now. Although… I should read Diamonds in the Rough before its release. 😉
And that’s it for this Week’s Entrée. What are you reading this week? 🙂

2 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #35

  1. I am not a very big Walking Dead Fan. It's ok I will stick to Vampire Diaries, the Originals, Gotham and that type of stuff 🙂 Wow love all the covers of your book haul this week!! I really need to squeeze in Crane sometime. Happy reading 🙂

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

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