That’s What HE Said Thursday #18: Win from All These Things I’ve Done

Posted July 17, 2014 by Isabel in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

That’s what HE said Thursday is a weekly meme hosted at Chapter Break where you post a favorite line of a book boyfriend to his heroine. It’s the perfect meme to share all those awesome quotes!
Once again I’m taking over for today’s quote from my new book crush, All These Things I’ve Done written by Gabrielle Zevin

“Yes,” Win agreed. “Let’s stay young forever. Young, stupid
and pretty. Sounds like a plan,
don’t you think?
                        Win to Anya, All This Things I’ve Done

One of the things that attracted me the most about this book were the characters. I liked the simplicity on how they acted and spoke. Even though there was a lot of going on, they seemed to not be consumed by it.  I think it’s so cool that Win, Anya’s love interest, finds humor every so often.

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