Book Review: All These Things I’ve Done by Gabrielle Zevin

Posted June 22, 2014 by Isabel in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

Title: All These Things I’ve Done
Author: Gabrielle Zevin

Series: Birthright #1
Genre: YA Dystopia
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Published: March 29th, 2012 
Page count: 352 pages
Format: Paperback
Source: Purchased
Book Summary:
Sixteen year-old Anya becomes the head of a mafia family after her parents are both murdered by rival gangs. Although Anya is embroiled in the criminal world, she is determined to keep her brother and sister out of the mafia family, but her father’s relatives aren’t so keen to let them go. When Anya’s violent ex-boyfriend is poisoned with contaminated chocolate – chocolate that is produced illegally by Anya’s mafia family – she is arrested for attempted murder and sent to the notorious jail on Manhattan Island.

Eventually she is freed by the new D.A. in town, who believes she has been framed. But this D.A. is the father of Win, a boy at school to whom Anya feels irresistibly drawn, and her freedom comes with conditions. Win’s father wants to be mayor, and he can’t risk having his ambition jeopardized by rumors spreading that his son is seeing a member of a notorious crime family. Anya knows she risks the safety of her family by seeing Win again, but the feeling between them may be too strong to resist…

     *The Chef’s Review*

     My rating: 5/5 stars

Oh my gosh, this book!!! It’s so amazing, I don’t even know where to start or what to write. I feel that I should do a kickass review, one that would do this book justice, but the words won’t form themselves. Actually, the only thing going on around my mind is: IT’S REALLY GOOD.
It’s weird how you get to enter into this world.The book is dystopian, from a not so far future (2082), and it talks about living in a society where you don’t get new clothes, water is expensive, cars are limited and so on so forth, but what struck me the most was that CHOCOLATE IS ILLEGAL. Gah, what’s wrong with this world?
The main character here is a girl named Anya, who belongs to an illegal Chocolatier family. She lives in New York city along with her brother, sister and grandmother. When she was little, her mother died in a car crash and her older brother, Leo, was left with brain damage. Her dad was assassinated in front of her and her little sister, and thus they became orphans. Anya takes full control of their lives, which is not an easy thing to do since her grandmother, their guardian, becomes old and ill. She tries to live a normal, risk-free life, but it is almost impossible due to her family’s background. Anya faces imprisonment, forbidden love, family drama and everyday life difficulties.
I guess what I was drawn to this book the most was Anya’s way of thinking. You get to see her train of thought and reactions to all situations thrown at her. She doesn’t exaggerate anything, it’s plain and it’s simple. A very cool character overall.

So yeah, I think this book is a must.

4 responses to “Book Review: All These Things I’ve Done by Gabrielle Zevin

    • That's what I was telling my sister! I remember when it came out but haven't seen much from this series after that. Glad you also liked it, can't wait to read this. 🙂

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