The Week’s Entrée #16

Posted May 19, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

I’m soooo happy last week is over. Exams were monsters you guys! They bullied me into my room and locked me in there so I could study. So yeah, I couldn’t enjoy my reading time like I wanted to, always buzzing around in my mind when I should have only been drooling over Ridge from Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover.

Okay, fine. I DID drool, and A LOT. But that’s a story for another day. 😉

In other news…

I wrote a new review for Cuzinlogic! I gave What Following Brings by S. E. Campbell 4/5 hearts because it turned out to be a great read. It surprised me because I thought it wasn’t going to be that good, but nope, it was. Yay

Read my review here and if you want, you can also find the review for the first book, Until We Meet Again here at Cuzinlogic too.

Books I Bought, Won or Received:

Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover
Published: May 17th, 2013
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance

In the follow-up to Colleen Hoover’s #1 New York Times bestseller Hopeless, the charming and irresistible Dean Holder tells the passionate story that has melted thousands of hearts. 

In Hopeless, Sky left no secret unearthed, no feeling unshared, and no memory forgotten, but Holder’s past remained a mystery. 

Still haunted by the little girl he let walk away, Holder has spent his entire life searching for her in an attempt to finally rid himself of the crushing guilt he has felt for years. But he could not have anticipated that the moment they reconnect, even greater remorse would overwhelm him… 

Sometimes in life, if we wish to move forward, we must first dig deep into our past and make amends. In Losing Hope, bestselling author Colleen Hoover reveals what was going on inside Holder’s head during all those hopeless moments—and whether he can gain the peace he desperately needs.

I used an Audible credit to buy the audiobook of Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover. I loved Holder in Hopeless, so I’m quite excited to listen to his side of the story. I already know I will love this book, Colleen never disappoints me with her books, she only ruins me.
To Read This Week:

Yes, this week I’m off to read only for pleasure. First Kiss by Ann Marie Frohoff is all about bad boys, music and next door love.  It’s a book that has an original soundtrack and I’m so glad that Amy del Rosso (Lady Reader’s Bookstuff) decided to share the music with me. I love all the songs!
And, I decided to finally take the plunge and read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I’m almost done covering my heart with tissues, candy and bubblewrap. Hope it holds long, wish me luck!

And that’s it for this edition of The Week’s Entrée. What book(s) are you planning to read this week? 🙂

4 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #16

  1. Yay I love it when a book surprises you. Glad you survived exam week. that is the one thing I don't miss about studying… It cuts into my reading time 🙂 I am looking forward to your review of The Fault in our stars. I have seen it around but haven't been sold on it just yet.

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

  2. Exams are exhausting, aren't they? But hey, you survived!! WOOT 😀
    I heard a lot about The Fault In Our Stars and yes, I think you should be prepared with tissues at hands… Hope you have a pleasurable reading time, Melissa!

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