Book Review: Titan Magic: Body and Soul by Jodi Lamm

Posted May 9, 2014 by Isabel in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Title: Titan Magic: Body and Soul
Author: Jodi Lamm
Series: Titan Magic #2
Publisher: Self-published
Published:December 17th, 2013
Page count: 455
Format: Ebook
Source: Provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Buy from:  Amazon|Barnes & Noble | Kobo                         Goodreads

Book Synopsis:
“Don’t fool yourself. Fool everyone else, but never fool yourself.”

When a young golem called Kaspar befriends a beautiful baker and her daughter, he wishes, for the first time in his life, to be more than just a counterfeit, wooden child. But such a simple wish comes at a high price, and Kaspar won’t be the only one to pay. With the few who can stop him distracted by their own dreams, Kaspar is free to set in motion a naive and gruesome plan. He hasn’t gone entirely unnoticed, though. He’s a powerful weapon left alone and ungoverned, and he’s already caught the eye of someone with an even more costly wish.

*The Chef’s Review*

Rating: 5/5 stars!
 As soon as I finished reading the first book of Titan Magic, I started the second one right away. I am pleased to say that I was not disappointed. The story continues charmingly in its rare and unique way. I believe what I enjoyed the most was that one gets to know the characters a little better. I must say that I grew quite fond of them. For that, I’ll try to talk a little bit of this book without giving it too much away…
We find Will, Marcus and Kaspar living together in this huge library/underground house that happens to be Will’s property. This place, is full of  knowledge and secrets that Will has been accumulating throughout his years. It’s here that he comes to the conclusion that there might be a way for the golems to have a soul of their own without going through chaos. With that hope planted on their minds, the story develops in amusing twists where you find out what is Kaspar’s bizarre talent, Marcus’ true past, the Duke Eli Mahler’s present, new characters and so on…
I really enjoyed reading this book and if you are looking for a different, odd, but interseting sort of read, I truly recomend it!   🙂

2 responses to “Book Review: Titan Magic: Body and Soul by Jodi Lamm

  1. Oh, I remember you sharing a quote from this book last week! I'm so happy to see you loved it, it definitely sounds like an interesting read.

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