LETICIA by Lindsay Anne Kendal
Release Date: April 14th, 2014
Paperback, 320 Pages
Genre: YA/ Fantasy / Paranormal
Leticia has a dark secret, and somebody somewhere knows what it is. After being tormented and brutally attacked, it becomes obvious they want her dead. A mysterious group comes to her aid. They want to fight by her side and help her win the war someone has declared on her.
Together, they present a force to be reckoned with. Love, loss and longing put strains on the alliance. Not only must they fight their enemies, but their own fears and desires. Leticia must also face a harsh reality.
If she wants a happy future, she must first confront her past.

“He stayed close to me for a few more seconds. I let my hand fall so it was now against his chest. I looked him straight in the eyes, getting lost in them for a moment. I could feel his heartbeat, hard and fast. I so desperately wanted to kiss him.“
Why Book Covers are So ImportantAs well as being an author, I’m also a graphic artist. I’ve worked with several publishers, an audiobook company and independent authors. I’ve been doing this for a few years now and would say covers are one of, if not THE most important thing when trying to attract attention to your book.The cover is a powerful selling tool—it’s the first thing readers will see. I’ll hold my hands up and admit, I’M GUILTY. I’m one of those people who won’t look at a book unless the cover screams out to me. It could be the model, the background, or simply the way the title is positioned. Either way, it has to shout STOP LOOKING AT THE OTHERS AND BUY ME! I know, I know, the old cliché ‘Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover’. I should read the blurb or a snippet/synopsis, but I honestly don’t. I also know a lot of other people who are like me. There are so many books out there for people to enjoy. Readers are spoiled for choice and do tend to buy the book with the most interesting and appealing images on the front.Your cover needs to really grip reader’s attention. Be bold, bright or intense, take some risks—while making sure the cover doesn’t misrepresent your work. There absolutely HAS to be a link between the cover and your story. Anything else is misleading to readers. I’ve known cases where this has happened and sadly it leads to some bad reviews. Make sure you pick the right artist to work with you. Someone who will listen to your visions, make suggestions and create a cover good enough to represent your work. Remember, your cover doesn’t have to be ‘busy’. You don’t need a million and one images. Sometimes, less is more. Also, I know a lot of readers who have seen badly made covers and they automatically assume the book will be badly written. Not good at all- and not very fair, but sadly this happens.Making and receiving the right cover is a big task, both for the artist and the author. It could mean the difference between getting no attention, or becoming a best seller. In effect, the front cover is the very start of your story.
“I didn’t reply, I put my foot down on the accelerator and he jumped out of the way quickly. I could hear him shouting my name as I drove, begging me to come back. But I couldn’t, enough was enough. Something inside me had snapped and somebody was going to pay…“
“I have lived in Droylsden, Manchester, all my life. I live with my parents, my younger sister, Cheryl and her little girl Faith.
I never knew what I wanted to do with my life until I began writing. This is my dream. I get most of my inspiration from music, I’ll sit there listening to it and suddenly I’m no longer in the room. My stories play like videos in my mind, then I go and write them down.
I’m a very dark person, I love anything spooky, supernatural, or unexplainable, and so that’s the genre I want to write in for the rest of my life.I love watching scary films, although I find it very hard to find one these days that actually frighten me.I also love getting creative with graphics. I’ve designed over twenty book covers so far. I create promo art and even book trailers.
I have had a love of photography from being a child. I have literally thousands of photographs which I have taken over the years. Now, I have a professional DSLR camera and I’m looking to do photography as well as my graphics as a sideline project.”
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Thanks, Melissa. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support. You rock my world. xx
You know I'm glad to help, Amy! 🙂
Brilliant and I totally agree with that guest post. As a reader we have so many choices with what to read that we tend to be cover junkies and base our reading choices on that. Other than a really really fantastic review – the cover is what sells a book initially.
I always go back after I have read the book and try and find the link – it is am important point too!
Great post Melissa 🙂
Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.
I'm glad you liked it Chene! 🙂
Oh my gosh, the font on the cover to Leticia is SUPER PRETTY!! Although I do think the moon looks really fake… Lol I totally agree with Anne… I mean like they always tell you not to judge a book by its cover but then how else can we judge it?
I mean like for me, I admit that I 100% of the time judge a book by its cover. PEOPLE ARE MADE TO JUDGE FOR GODS SAKE! Anyways, love the guest post! You should really post more guest posts on the blog. WHICH REMINDS ME….I still have a guest post to do that I haven't started *sheepish laugh*…Better go do it now!!!!
Olivia @ Fictionally Obsessed
Yeah, covers are meant to be admired. I like them looking all pretty in my bookshelf! I'll try to have more on the blog, yours is on that list 😉