The Week’s Entrée #8

Posted March 24, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

It’s Monday, yaaay! I’m in such a good mood this Monday because:
a) I have 2 weeks off from college, so that means more reading time for me. Whoot!

b) My team won first place with our Mexican Caramel “Cajeta” project against others from our International Trading career and I am so proud of it! In fact, this is all thanks to my sister because she made the caramel and the desserts we used to show off its taste. Now we are going to compete against the other colleges from our city. Wish us luck!

c) I had a really, really, really amazing supercalifragilisticexpialidocious surprise sent to me the other day that I’ve been blabbering about non-stop since then. What did I get? THIS:
I was only supposed to receive the Kobo tote bag and a few swag items, but not that shiny brand new Kobo Glo! Thanks (again) to Christine Munroe from Kobo Writing Life for sending me all of this and to Kate from #k8chat, because without her and her chat, I would have never got this awesome gift. You both rock!
Talking about #k8chat (image on top left sidebar), you should really come and join us on Twitter every Thursday at 9pm est! Every week there’s a different guest to chat about something book related. It’s so much fun and the people there are so nice! Everybody is welcome. 😉
P.S. I’ll be hosting a chat soon to talk about Disney!


{In other important news}
And 99 on Bloglovin’!
I feel like crying.

Thank you so much you guys! This is truly awesome. I’m hoping to do a giveaway soon as a thank you, so please stay tuned! I LOVE YOU ALL. <3

{Books I Bought, Won or Received}
I won 2 books this week and I received several books to review as well! I’m really happy to have added them to my growing tbr list!

You Are Mine by Janeal Falor 
Published: May 6th, 2013/ Chardonian Press
Genre: YA Fantasy
Serena knows a few simple things. She will always be owned by a warlock. She will never have freedom. She will always do what her warlock wishes, regardless of how inane, frivolous, or cruel it is. And if she doesn’t follow the rules, she will be tarnished. Spelled to be bald, inked, and barren for the rest of her life—worth less than the shadow she casts.
Then her ownership is won by a barbarian from another country. With the uncertainty that comes from belonging to a new warlock, Serena questions if being tarnished is really worse than being owned by a barbarian, and tempts fate by breaking the rules. When he looks the other way instead of punishing her, she discovers a new world. The more she ventures into the forbidden, the more she learns of love and a freedom just out of reach. Serena longs for both. But in a society where women are only ever property, hoping for more could be deadly.
I also won the prequel to this story: Mine to Tarnish

Mine To Tarnish by Janeal Falor
Published: December 2nd, 2013/ Chardonian Press

Katherine’s place is the same as any woman’s—on the shelf next to the dresses and bolts of cloth. When she’s sold to a warlock, life grows even bleaker. Her new owner is as old and rancid as he is cruel, driving her to do the unthinkable: run.
Nothing prepared her for being on her own. And she’s definitely unprepared for the warlocks hunting her down. But she must stay one step ahead because if caught, the best she can hope for is death.
For review:
To The Sea byDeirdre Riordan Hall
Published: February 11th, 2014/ Createspace
Genre: NA Contemporary

Fresh out of college and newly married, twenty-something Kira plans the perfect future with a house in the suburbs, ski getaways, and fancy dinners. When her husband Jeremy dies in a car accident, loss casts her adrift, but her heart cracks wide open when she uncovers the secrets he left behind.
Despite her dislike for the ocean with the whipping wind and itchy sand, Kira seeks solace in salt: tears, sweat, and the sea, helping her move beyond the myth of perfection, and guiding her toward the truth of who she really is.
She takes surf lessons to overcome her fear of the water and her well of grief. In the local surf scene, she meets sultry Jamie, with a hot Australian accent. He’s eager to spend time with her, but mostly between the sheets. Then there’s soulful Ian, her surf instructor, who helps her get on her feet and ride the waves.
During a transformative trip to South Africa on surfari, she learns the best way to be loved, yet when she returns to the shores of New England, grief continues to haunt her. She must let go, but how? Torn between the tides, Kira discovers strength and courage, navigates loss, lust, and love, taking readers along for the plunge.
Titan Magic by Jodi Lamm
Published: September 30th, 2011
Genre: YA Fantasy/Mythology

Mute, heartless, and tormented by auditory hallucinations, Madeleine Lavoie never questions why her family has hidden her from the world. But the night her brother casts her out, she learns the mysterious voice she thought existed only in her mind is no delusion, and no matter how hard she tries, she can never disobey it. 
Now Madeleine must find her own voice in a cacophony of powerful tyrants, monsters, and gods. If she fails, she will forfeit her life and the lives of everyone who loves her. But if she succeeds, she may finally gain the ability to love someone in return.

Published: December 17th, 2013


“Don’t fool yourself. Fool everyone else, but never fool yourself.”
When a young golem called Kaspar befriends a beautiful baker and her daughter, he wishes, for the first time in his life, to be more than just a counterfeit, wooden child. But such a simple wish comes at a high price, and Kaspar won’t be the only one to pay. With the few who can stop him distracted by their own dreams, Kaspar is free to set in motion a naive and gruesome plan. He hasn’t gone entirely unnoticed, though. He’s a powerful weapon left alone and ungoverned, and he’s already caught the eye of someone with an even more costly wish.


I also received from the wonderful Amy del Rosso (Lady Reader’s Bookstuff) digital copies of First Kiss and Fever Pitch, plus the original soundtrack (music specially made) of the first book! It’s awesome you guys, great songs that got me excited to read these books. It’s music centered, bad boys and romaaance. Love this.

First Kiss by Ann Marie Frohoff
Published: June 11th, 2013
Genre: YA Comteporary Romance

About an up and coming teenage rocker on the verge of stardom, when the girl next door becomes something more; they’re forced to face the harsh realities on his road to fame and the expectations of their friends and family. Sacrifices are made as everything changes as they know it.
Fever Pitch by Ann Marie Frohoff
Published: February, 2014
Genre: YA Comteporary Romance

Desire? Definitely. Forever? Maybe. 
When Jake and Alyssa’s virtual affair peaks while his band tours Europe, Alyssa decides it’s Jake that she wants for her 18th birthday. She surprises everyone, including Jake, with a planned trip to London. 
After three years apart will it be everything they’ve both dreamed of? Alyssa is soon thrown into Jake’s stardom, delicate family matters and a side of him she’s never seen before.
And last, but not least, I received a copy of This Crumbling Pageant to read and review ASAP (I volunteered as tribute) and that’s why…

{To Read This Week}

This Crumbling Pageant by Patricia Burroughs
Expected Publication: May 6th, 2014  
Genre: YA Fantasy 
England, 1809. As fashionable Society streams toward London for the start of a new social season, they are unaware of a hidden magical England existing alongside. The Magi cathedrals are temples to the old gods. Reigning on their throne is not poor mad George, but the ailing King Pellinore of the House of Pendragon. But their wars are no less deadly.
The Furys are known for their extraordinary music, their powerful magic, and their historic role as kingmakers. But the Furys have their secrets as well, none so dangerous as the daughter whose Shadow magic spills from her, unchecked. Unless her powers are concealed, she’s not only ruined in Society, but marked as a target for those who would use and abuse her magic.
Persephone Fury is the Dark daughter, the one they hide.
But desperate times call for desperate measures, and a good marriage for this frightening daughter is desperately needed. On the night of her debut, her world comes crumbling down around her when she is abducted from the man she loves by the man she most loathes.
Evil powers circle, calling her to the destiny foretold at the moment of her birth, drawing her to the source of her power, to the one place she can finally be free.
By embracing the Shadows. 
Persephone is ruthless, devious, and clever, but when confronted with the truth, she must make horrifying choices.
Can she defy destiny and seize her own fate?
Double phew! And that’s it for this edition of The Week’s Entrée. What’s on your plate for this week? Any good books to recommend? 🙂

4 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #8

  1. Wowee what an amazing week you have had and congrats on getting the Kobo 🙂 I wish the K8 chat was at a normal hour for me to join in, but I think it works out to 3 or 4 am in the morning here!

    Congrats on all your other wonderful news! Keep up the awesome blog 🙂

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

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